In the world of constant political division in which we live, it is very easy to look at situations, causes and especially people and make snap judgements, or label people as good and evil. As Catholics we are unapologetically pro-life, but often times through all the political arguing and grand-standing we forget what that really means. 
A couple of weeks ago, a member of the Pregnancy Resource Center in Georgetown came to talk to our students (at grade level appropriateness) about the important work that they do. Not only do they supply material resources to expectant mothers and families who need help, but they also help so many women receive help through counseling, and just being there for them. Offering possibilities sometimes in situations that most people would consider hopeless. 
Being a good neighbor, reaching out without judgement and truly helping those in need are just some of the lessons we learned through this project. It is easy to get frustrated with politicians and feel helpless, but we can change the world every day just in our daily interactions with our families, friends and community. 
I am very proud of how our students and staff worked hard to come together for this cause. Although the 3rd and 4th grade won the contest with 199 items donated to the PRC, the real winners are all of us that gained awareness of this issue that exists in our community, and learning how we can truly make a difference. Thanks to all of our families and staff members, we were able to donate 741 items to the Pregnancy Resource Center today. I encourage you all to keep this incredibly important organization who helps so many people experiencing crisis in our community in your prayers. St. Michael School will continue to keep the PRC in our prayers and help them in their mission.