SMS News

Please make sure students do not get dropped off until 7:30 or until I, or another staff member is out in front of the school. Teachers have work to do before students arrive and might not be in classrooms until 7:30. Also, it is not safe to drop them off in the dark and have them walk to the side door because there is a lot of traffic at that time, and it is not safe for them to walk through the parking lot unattended. 

Also, if you are dropping off after 7:55 or I am not standing in front of the school, please bring your child into the office, to sign them in. Prayer begins at 7:55, and all students in K-8 should be in the church by that time. If not, parents should sign them in as tardy. Again, this is a safety issue, as students should not be unattended in the building or walk unattended to the Church. 

These are a few minor issues, but if we work together on this now, we can avoid them becoming major issues later. I appreciate your cooperation.