Veterans Day

Although Veteran's Day is officially November 11, St. Michael School took the time to honor our local Veterans on Monday, November 14. It was an opportunity to have more Veterans join our service due to the busy schedules of many Veterans around the week of our recognized holiday. 

The students and staff gathered in the church as they normally would for morning prayer, but today, we had some very special guests. The service began with the Pledge of Allegiance, and the SMS music department led us in the singing of God Bless America and America the Beautiful. We also heard some poetry from our students and some students shared what Veteran's Day means to them. Our special guest speaker was SgtMaj Otis Kokensparger who was introduced by his wife, SMS's own "Mrs. K".  SgtMaj spoke to our students about the history of Veteran's Day and its roots in Armistice Day. He also spoke about our local Veterans and several of his experiences as a lifetime member of the military. 

We were blessed to have in attendance today, Rick Klinker, Gary DeFosse, Rick Scott, Martha Fithen, Dan Fithen, Rev. James Settles, and Gene Jones. On behalf of the students and staff of St. Michael School thank you to all of our veterans. Special thanks to Mrs. Patty Dengler, who organized this event.