Dear SMS Families,

We are all for using technology at SMS. Each of our students has access to Chromebooks throughout the day, just as one example, but responsible use of technology is also very important.  We are able to monitor all Chromebooks on our network, and keep track of other uses of technology within the school. Personal cell phones are another story.

Unfortunately student cell phones are causing problems in our classrooms over the course of the day.  One issue has been students going to the bathroom and playing on their phones. This presents several issues.  Some students are watching videos (that we are unable to monitor) or playing games.  In many of these cases, other students who actually need to use the bathroom are waiting for unreasonable amounts of time. There are many other issues associated with taking phones in the bathroom, but these are enough. Also, even when teachers tell students not to have their phones out, they have become quite skilled at being on them under their desks. This has become a major distraction in class, and frankly is hindering the class as a whole. Finally, there have been several cases where student phones are ringing or vibrating and that is disrupting the class.

Today I talked to our students about this responsibility, but we definitely need to put a rule in place to help with this situation. So, starting Tuesday, in grades 3-8 students will be required to turn cell phones in to the homeroom teacher after morning homeroom. Students will have 5 minutes at recess time to check their phones. (although parents may call the school at any time to talk to their child).  Students will be able to have their phones back at the end of the day. 

Of course students are not required to have phones, and unless there is a good reason, I would advise they don't bring them to school. However, I know that students do not always go to the same place after school and need to be able to contact their parents. As a parent, I totally understand that. However, we have to recognize that if this technology is hurting more than it is helping, this is the right step for our students. 

I appreciate your support on this, and if you have any questions feel free to give me a call.